Essentially Chi Aligned

05 - Healing your Body to Heal your Mind

Jeni Hughes Episode 5

Have you ever wondered what lengths people go through to gain clarity of mind?
In this episode, I share what started out as my Fibromyalgia healing journey, but turned out to be so much more... Clarity of Mind!

If you struggle with Invisible Illness or are a fellow Spoonie, I encourage you to give this a listen. Share it with those you know who are seeking a solution to their autoimmune syndrome as well. Living with Chronic Pain is not an easy journey, but there are solutions in unexpected places.

I share the diets that helped me, but also how to find the right diet for you. Natural Supplements that helped with Pain Management, and more. 

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Solstice Blessings!

~Jeni Hughes aka Essentially Chi

Thank you to  Michael Reiley for his meditative music found in this episode.